Project Coordinator:

Fundación Laboral de la Construcción - FLC             



Fundación Laboral de la Construcción starts its activity in the year 1992, result of the social dialogue between the Employers’ organisation and the Trade Unions of the sector: Confederación Nacional de la Construcción (CNC), CCOO de construcción y servicios; Federación de Industria, Construcción y Agro de UGT (UGT-FICA).

The aim to create this equal entity for the sector, through the General Agreement of the construction sector, is to provide companies and workers with the resources that were making possible a more professional, safety, qualified sector and with future.

FLC aims:

  • Promotion of vocational education and training (VET);
  • Promotion of research, development and innovation (R+D+I) to improve health and safety in the construction site;
  • Promotion of measures to improve professionalization of the construction labour market and creation and provision of a professional accreditation card (TPC).

Fundación Laboral de la Construcción trains every year an average of more than 70.000 professionals of the sector. More than 3 million hours of training are provided every year, of which more than a third is destined to training in prevention of labour risks. It is compound by seventeen regional councils and it has 45 training centres distributed all over Spain. In order to provide over two hundred training specialties it is assisted by more than 1.400 specialized trainers in multiple matters related to the construction sector.

Address: Calle Rivas 25, 28025 Madrid (Spain)

Website: www.fundació

Team: Javier González (head of International projects), Beatriz Oliete (researcher), Francisco Herreruela (specialist), Mercedes Oriol (communication officer), Elena Novillo (administrative and financial officer)

Email Contact:



Buildungszentren des Baugeswerbes e.V. / BZB



BZB is an organization for education and training in the construction sector of Germany, represented by 48 unions in the sector with more than 2,500 companies. Its main mission is initial vocational education and training (IVET) for apprentices in the 15 construction occupations, as well as continuing vocational education and training for senior professionals (CVET).

BZB participates in numerous projects of regional, national, European and international scope.

At regional and local level, BZB actively cooperates with the German Labour Agency in the field of requalification of people driven by demand. For this, it has 4 branches in the country that have modern and equipped workshops for the training of professionals in the sector.

At European level, BZB has an extensive experience of more than 15 years in the implementation of numerous projects to improve VET: exchange and mobility programs for apprentices, trainers and VET experts, mainly with partners in the European network RE.FORM.E.; projects for innovation and knowledge transfer in VET; work-based learning training (Dual System); and projects for the transition from school to VET (vertical professional trajectories).

Address: Bökendonk 15 – 17, 47809 Krefeld (Alemanía).


Team: Markus Crone (Manager), Frank Bertelmann-Angenendt (Project Manager)

Págs:   1 - 2 - 3



All partners belong to the REFORME network, an entity that boosts the Vocational Education and Training in the construction sector in Europe.

The main objectives of the Network are:

  • Sharing interests and experience to develop best practices at transnational level.
  • Foster the mutual empowerment and the development of common projects exploiting the experience of the partners and enriching the social dialogue in the construction sector.

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